Sunday, November 21, 2010

noodles with vegetables and fish

Because it's sunday today, the library is closed at 6 pm. When I was home by bike, it was 6.16. All the time in the library I dreamt about making noodles when I am home. As soon as I entered the house, I put water into the boiler, I washed my hands and face and changed clothes. Then, I chose some vegetables from the fridge for noodle..

5-6 mushrooms
1 yellow paprika
1 onion
2 carrots
2 banana peppers
1 tomato

After putting some oil to a pan I added finely-sliced carrots, then not-finely-sliced onions, then mushrooms, paprika and banana peppers.. Those ones are sliced randomly, not thinly.. They are all cooked gently in the pan with the cover on. After 5-10 minutes I added sliced (peeled) tomato and some spices., like curry, chili pepper and nutmeg powder. When they are being cooked, I got a piece of frozen pollack (koolvis, in Dutch) from the freezer, buttered the toaster, chopped three pieces of garlic. I sprinkled chopped garlics and some black pepper on the fish and put it to the toaster.
By the way, we have a really funny toaster, it does not work with the electricity, it is something like a pan, so we put it on the heat. It is really handy.
Anyways, while the fish is being grilled, I put the boiled water in to another pan and put the noodles in. They are soaked in the water for 10 minutes, then I strained them.

Finally, I mixed those cooked vegetables with noodles, and put the grilled fish on it.. It was delicious!
Overall, it took me less than an hour to make everything ready.. I mean when vegetables are ready, it was 6.36pm. :)
I am really full now,
and happy..

now good luck to me with thesis writing..

PS: this picture is taken with the camera of my laptop, so the quality is low..

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