Tuesday, October 12, 2010

first post

this is my first post to this brand new blog
well, i do not have any clear ideas what would the blog look like yet.
there will be food and handicrafts mainly. and some of them will be for sale. well, this was actually our plan with a friend, but we are not working hard on it yet.. 
you know what has triggered me to open such a blog and sell things? last year i learnt that the scholarship i received from the school for the tuition fee will not cover this year. so it became evident that i will desperately need money to fund all my expenses (not even mention the tuition of thousands of euros).
anyway, i looked for a job, but i could not find one. it is really hard to find one if you are a temporary immigrant from a non-EU country.
then, idea of selling home-made food and crafts sparkled in my mind. i am not modest about my talents in cooking and handicrafts :). i love spending time in the kitchen.. i also love colorful fabrics, papers, scissors and the painting palette..
you san see this blog as kind of journal i am writing down, as a way of registering my memories in this country..
that's all for now.
hope it works..